Sustainable, diverse and close to the people
On May 26, you can vote on how things should continue in the Ilm district over the next five years.
Over the past few years, we GREENS (Die GRÜNEN) have initiated many discussions in the district council, tabled motions and achieved many things. But to make a real GREEN difference, we need to become stronger. For this, we need your vote.
So vote GREEN on May 26!
Our Guidelines
- We are committed to modern schools with good equipment, functioning digitalization, more money for school social work and support for teachers through administrative and technical assistants.
- We want a well-developed, coordinated and reliable public transportation system that is supplemented by community buses, car sharing and a safe network of footpaths and cycle paths suitable for everyday use throughout the Ilm district.
- As children, young people and the elderly are particularly dependent on good local transport, we want to make local transport significantly cheaper or free of charge for these groups.
- We advocate a sustainable way of life and economy that takes particular account of environmental protection and nature conservation. Our goals are the protection of water bodies, urban trees, biodiversity and the creation of mixed forests.
- We want to strengthen the diverse voluntary work of associations through funding guidelines, recognition of active members, low-cost sports and event facilities and community events.
- The use of renewable energies is necessary in the fight against climate change and for a secure and cost-effective energy supply. We GRÜNE want the municipalities in the Ilm district to take the energy transition into their own hands for the benefit of their citizens and ensure that local concerns and nature conservation are fully taken into account.
- To ensure that our innovative companies and research institutions continue to find qualified workers in the future, we are committed to a vibrant civil society and a variety of cultural and leisure activities that benefit everyone. We need a genuine welcoming culture. We are committed to rapid integration.